Friday, November 23, 2007

Finding the Cabin

"The Cabin" was a small building constructed by Mom's father (my Grandpa) and by my father as a sort of get-away for our family. It was located on 7.5 acres of wooded property near the crest of a ridge located a few hours southeast of our home in Tulsa. It was built in about 1958 or 1959, when I was only a few years old. A small cinder-block building, it was painted a distinctive light pink color because (according to Mom) Dad was able to get a special price on pink paint that made it the most economical color for his project.

We used The Cabin principally on weekends during summers until 1966, when we moved overseas. The Cabin and adjacent property was finally sold in the 1970s or 80s, I think. I myself don't think I had been there for over 40 years.

Well, my cousin and I went looking for The Cabin today. And after searching the ridge crest, now far more heavily populated, with houses and trailers and mobile homes lining the street running along the crest, we found it. A 17 year old boy showed us around the property that he said he had grown up on after his parents bought it about 8 years ago. The Cabin itself showed the wear and renovation of time, but was impressively intact, in basically good condition, two walls still exhibiting the distinctive pink pigment. Only one additional coat of paint had been applied to another wall, although the roof had been replaced several times, and the building was now used to hold tools and supplies, according to our young guide.

I felt deeply grateful to see that a building built by my father and grandfather had weathered almost half a century. I saw part of a fence line that had been lined by rose bushes, planted and cared for by my dear mother, who raked and cleaned under them each time we visited The Cabin.

I know of course that she never really liked The Cabin. Yet she always tried to make the best of this project always dear to my father.

She ate what was set before her.

I am simply deeply, deeply, deeply grateful ... what an amazing Mom, and Dad, and Grandpa.

Thank you Lord

And Lord

Please take good, good, good care of my dear Momma.

I love you Lord


Charles Delacroix
Feast of St Clement

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